Tuesday, June 1, 2021

You can’t change your DNA

Hi there, it has been years since I have posted. My journey never stops of course. I continue with hormones and will for the rest of my life. I have been on hormones for three years definitely some changes . Voice is deeper, body shape has changed etc. I come to you today to discuss something that’s been bothering me. Transgender teen athletes not being given the chance to compete in the sport of the identified gender. Excuse my language but I call bullshit. Conservatives and Republicans claim that the transgender child has an unfair advantage. There is of course no science to back it up of course. They argue that the hormones they take are giving them an advantage. A trans teen who identifies as a man takes testosterone so that his body matches his mind, not so that he can compete against females. That male teen wants to compete with men. Imagine waking up every day and looking in the mirror and not recognizing who that person is in the mirror. Imagine hating that image in the mirror every day. A child that identifies as a transgender is 40% more likely to commit suicide. Claiming that their biology at birth gives them an unfair advantage is a baseless argument. 

I continue to write this while watching a documentary on Hulu- “Changing the Game” I recommend you watch it. The comments by those that are in my opinion are just ignorant. So your telling me I have to use the bathroom of my assigned birth…. Really? I did a study while I was in college and I used the women’s restroom and the men’s restroom same number of times and kept a journal. My study showed that 99% of the time when going into the women’s restroom I would get a look, stare, or a comment. When I went into the men’s restroom, nothing was said, no one cared I was in there. I did not get a look. My business was my business. Although I can tell you that when I walk into the men’s I still am scared and if the restroom is full I will run out hoping the family restroom is not occupied. Men’s restrooms typically only have one stall. Anyways I digress, happens sometimes. I still cannot fathom the idea that there are those out there that refuse to educate themselves. Go read a book, talk to someone who is transgender. Only way you will learn truly. I welcome all questions if I feel its a little too personal I will be polite and move on to the next question but you wont no unless you ask me. 

Telling these kids that they cannot compete with those of their identified gender is like telling them to give up their dreams. Society tells me that I was born a female and will always be a female, my facial hair and deep voice will tell you otherwise. 

In case you think I don’t have some stuff to back up my argument 



You can’t change your DNA

Hi there, it has been years since I have posted. My journey never stops of course. I continue with hormones and will for the rest of my life...