Tuesday, March 26, 2019

So how should I treat you now that your trans?

Umm like a person. Anyone coming out, whether coming out as gay or transgendered knows its never easy coming out to your family and friends. But once you do the huge weight lifted off your shoulders is the best feeling in the world. Living as your true self and be loved for who you are and respected for who you are is the ultimate high. I come out to you doesn’t mean that you have to treat me any different, though the name and gender pronouns I ask you to use would be all that is required. No, I will not get mad if you slip and use my legal name or the occasional she/her comes out. After a while though if your still using it don’t be surprised if I say something.

I certainly don’t want to be introduced as oh this is Jason, my transgendered friend/ family member. Try this is Jason, that’s a good start. A lot of people ask me when I knew I was trans, it doesn’t work like that. Its not like I woke up one day and said "Hey lets try this tranny thing it sounds like fun". First never call me a tranny, its like saying faggot to a gay man or dyke to a gay woman. It is the ultimate disrespect and shows how ignorant you are. I am not a tranny, transvestite, nor a cross-dresser. I am transgendered man. No I don’t like talking about my private bits, their called private for a reason. I wont answer you and I will be as respectful as I can until I am pushed.

I'll put it this way, if you make it a big deal, it becomes a big deal. Most people that see me for the first time assume I am a man. Good, that’s the point of starting hormone therapy, to be able to pass as the gender you identify as. If they call me ma'am or young lady, yeah it gets to me a little, but only a little. Right now I have only been on testosterone therapy for 10 months and certainly not showing obvious signs except for fat redistribution to a more "male"-like shape. Until I have a moustache and/or beard I expect a lot of ma'am/miss/young lady to be coming out of peoples' mouths.

Patience would be the advice I give my fellow transgendered folks. It is not an overnight process. Everything will happen in its time depending on your age when you started the hormone therapy, how much your taking and how frequently. There are a lot of factors and doctors visits involved. Hang in there champ it gets better. And always, I mean ALWAYS take care of your mind, body and spirit. What am I talking about? I am talking about working on that temper that yes is coming out because for one thing you are introducing higher levels of a hormone you are not used to in your body, and two it can be rather stressful at some points. Counseling, I can't get enough of it. Take care of your body, for FTM my cholesterol is going to go up as I continue on hormone replacement therapy so I have to be painfully aware that I have to watch my weight, get to exercising, and monitor what I eat.

People are going to treat you differently, but its not what you think. The longer I am on hormones, the more confidence I build in who I truly am and people can sense it in you. So in the words of the cute kitten poster because its so cheesy I have to mention it twice in this blog, Hang in there champ.

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You can’t change your DNA

Hi there, it has been years since I have posted. My journey never stops of course. I continue with hormones and will for the rest of my life...